Martial Arts Training

Martial Arts Training

It’s Easy!

To many, martial arts training seems like work and then they get frustrated when the moves don’t work out after a day of practice. While it is true you may not be able to do the complex moves in a self-defense situation, you can certainly make it work. Yes it’s simple and it’s hard, but it’s not that hard to learn if you have some good teachers, good instruction, and respect for your practice partner’s skill and ability. So what you must have are practice and respect for yourself and your practice partner. I’ve seen martial arts movies and I’ve seen demonstrations but never saw anyone actually do the moves they were demonstrating, at least not to me. Sure they looked like they were super strong, flying through the air and doing flying blocks and flying kicks, but they never were built like that in real life. Where to Start Your best bet is to sign up for a beginner class at your local dojo and watch beginners learn the systems. You want to hear the methods being taught, learn how to start, find out when you should start, and of course, learn all the safety measures to protect you during the beginning of your practice. Anything you do, even with a partner, without carefully thinking through all the things discussed above, can and will lead to a broken leg or broken arm. Contact your local children’s department or youth’s department for more information on enrolling your child. You can identify which classes are appropriate. You can find out about fitness standards that will protect you even with all the practice they will do. You can find out if there are drills unique to you and how they are taught. Finalizing this thought, if you’re truly applying that toward your intentions and your training habits, keep it simple. Keep it real. Keep it real legacies! Also, leave the bad at the door As stated before, we have made the assumption that we know how to defend ourselves. The bad news is that most of us don’t know enough martial arts to protect ourselves in the first place. This is where you need to be cautious. If you don’t know combat or are just starting out, do not go into a combat situation without a book, video, sparring gear, barriers, etc. attacker guidance. Anything short of full combat re-negotiation is a serious risk or a complete loss of good practice habits. Regular practice and learning new skills and techniques is how to stay even fighting fit and keep your average age in the appropriate range. It’s not how many years you can run, punch, kick, punch, kick, dive, roll, and jump, but rather how many of those things you do in a particular time period or under pressure that determines your skill level and the amount of training time you are able to put into your thing. So as you make a decision to learn martial arts and start your journey towards optimal MMA fitness, hit the mat, hit the bag, and start applying the principles of success and flexibility that you are training day in and day out. You may be lucky and just get lucky like thousands of other guys before you and you may be highly successful at it. You see, the only rules your training must have are 1.Short and intense bursts of activity combined with 2. Heavy, concrete impact on the body and mind that’s done at 75 percent effort or higher. Other rules would be:

1.Must use 100% effort on each and every repetition that is taken.

2.Each set of mitts should be worked from maximum effort.1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0 and so on.

3.The sets per body part should be 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on.

4.Run the same set every workout in order to prevent overtraining.

5.Respect all bodybuilders and do not attempt to skip set 2 of a body part set for more time than you’re physically and mentally able.

That’s it! Those are the rules and they apply to any and all goals you want to reach. So there you are. As we said, there is no shortcut. Your training must be top-notch, Janeiro Jui stylish cat. Jiu-Jitsu feat Do you know what? Even though some of you may have trouble digesting this information. Don’t worry about it. The truth will just reveal itself, I’ll be joining you on the journey. Our Roberto is kicking!

